Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment
We tackle gender-based violence and discrimination by improving the reporting and resolution of cases of violence and discrimination, while empowering women to play a more equal role in family and society.
Climate Change and
Rural Resilience
We use a mixed-method approach to address climate change and low levels of adaptive capacity by strengthening the capacity of beneficiaries and promoting environmentally sustainable practices that are sustainable.
Civil Society Development and
Good Governance
We build the capacity of local civil society organisations in urban and rural areas so they become valued actors in their communities to effectively promote economic development and good governance.
Countering Violent Extremism and Peace Building
We believe in a conflict sensitive approach that enhances soft skills, capacities for peace and local community engagement among youth to build more resilient and tolerant communities.
Strategic plan and work-stream of EFCA-Tajikistan for 2019-2021 Tajikistan