Eurasia Foundation, Tajikistan

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Eurasia Foundation Central Asia - Tajikistan and the European Union summarize the results of the project on activating civil society organizations


Eurasia Foundation Central Asia - Tajikistan and the European Union summarize the results of the project on activating civil society organizations

February 19, 2021 - Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Since 2018, the Eurasia Foundation Central Asia - Tajikistan has been implementing the project «Activating the Potential of CSOs as Actors and Partners in the Governance, Accountability and Implementation of Rural Development Projects» funded by the European Union in Tajikistan. Within the framework of the project local organizations were assisted in developing grant projects and subsequently in implementing these small projects aimed at rural development in Tajikistan. The organizations were able to expand cooperation with government agencies, the private sector and businesses in rural areas.

Public organizations from ten districts of Sughd and Khatlon regions, as well as districts of republican subordination (DRS) have created mahalla committees. These committees have served as an accountable platform for governance while ensuring sustainable collaborative rural development.

The project was able to prove the importance of activating civil society organizations. Most of the mahalla committees started to engage in income-generating activities, which undoubtedly positively influenced their financial stability. The uniqueness of the project was that the project involved contributions from government agencies, entrepreneurs and the local community and participation in solving common problems.

 At the final conference, grantees shared the results achieved under the project, and EFCA-Tajikistan staff spoke about the achievements and lessons learned.

     For more information contact: st. Malika Sobirova 63/2, 734024 Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan tel:          

     (+992) 44 610 21 11, email mail:








Eurasia Foundation, Tajikistan