2022-09-19 В рамках проекта "Никто не останется в стороне: Фарогир" финансируемого Европейским Союзом и Каритас Германия, началась реализация программы “Цифровизация г. Канибадам”.
2022-08-17 Представитель ГО Каритас Германия г-н Мартин Тальхаммер посетил г. Канибадам в рамках проекта "Никто не останется в стороне: Фарогир"
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2021-05-05 The experience of the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia - Tajikistan in the field of cross-border cooperation.
2021-04-23 Project: «Activating the Potential of Civil Society Organizations as Actors and Partners in the Governance, Accountability and Implementation of Rural Development Projects», funded by the European Union in Tajikistan.
2021-04-05 Project results:Activating the Potential of CSOs as Actors and Partners in the Governance, Accountability and Implementation of Rural Development Projects
2021-04-05 Compedium of project: Activating the Potential of CSOs as Actors and Partners in the Governance, Accountability and Implementation of Rural Development Projects
The Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (EFCA - Tajikistan) was re-registered as a public organization in 2009 and actively works in such areas as: development of civil society, local self-government and private entrepreneurship, gender equality, capacity building of public associations, effective governance, cultural and economic development as well as assistance to vulnerable segments of the population.
One of the key goals of EFCA-Tajikistan is to empower civil society in Tajikistan and throughout Central Asia. In recent years, the organization has focused on building capacity, training, and activating local civil society organizations. The focus on capacity building in many of our current projects is aimed at ensuring the sustainability of both specific project activities but also civil society organizations themselves moving forward.
The organization has implemented the following projects in the field of cross-border cooperation:
UNDP project, “Strengthening inter-communal dialogue and understanding in the border areas of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan” in 2015.
UN Women “Selection of the local NGO to support in implementation of women’s joint cross-border initiatives to enhance cooperation and trust between communities at Tajik-Kyrgyz border areas of Sughd and Batken regions” in 2017.
Were established close relationships with government representatives and cooperation with local authorities in the implementation of any project in the region, especially when working in sensitive areas such as border regions.
EFCA - Tajikistan has relationships with local civil society organizations (CSOs) and implements projects, facilitating training and seminars in the target regions.
These projects had various focuses but all contributed to the organization developing an in-depth understanding of the complex issues, which working in these areas can present, and have strengthened our commitment to co-creating stability in these regions through cross-border cooperation.