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cess of teaching the leading practicians, especially on economic disciplines
(economics, finance, accounting, etc.), management disciplines (organization and
production management, marketing, etc.), legal and engineering disciplines. Finally,
these measures will lead to increase the quality of education.

It is also necessary raise the prestige of the quality of education by providing students
with the best job opportunities in leading organizations and companies of the country.

The leading role in all reforms in the country without exception belongs to the higher
education as "talent pool" of highly qualified personnel and as a center of education and
science. Scientific studies have shown that the main resource in the short term will be
intellectual potential or ability of people to innovations, where production and
consumption of knowledge will become the main driving force of society. Therefore,
today the training of workers for many sectors of the economy should be a strategic
goal of personnel policy, because the quality of the manufactured products, resource
saving and cost reduction ensures to its personal predisposition to the restructuring of
the economic and labor relations.

Tajikistan is currently at the stage of transition to a market economy and very much
requires the qualified managers at all levels, as in the sphere of public
administration, and the sphere of business. In domestic higher educational
institutions the trainings of people carry out, after which the qualification of "manager"
awarded to them. However, the quality of their training and the appropriate percentage
of the employment of graduates on their specialty remain low. There is a practice when
a positions of manager at the enterprises of different forms of ownership and
governance structures occupied by people who do not have special education, which
negatively affects to the efficiency of the business. A number of successful firms train
qualified specialists for themselves outside Tajikistan. There is a limited practice of the
organization of short-term trainings. However, systematic training of specialists in the
country in the field of business (with taking into account demand at labor market and
interests of firms) is not carried out.

It is also necessary to ensure the development in the country of an effective system of
engineering education and modern technical specialties with the assignment of
international certificates.

Besides, there is a huge demand on a network of professional colleges. Professional
and higher education has to be guided by the maximum satisfaction of the current and
perspective needs of national economy for specialists. In many ways, it will help solve
the problems of employment and migration.

The system higher educational institutions management, which is not answering to
modern realities, needs revision. The practice of appointment of rectors of higher
education institutions, which were introduced during the period after independence of
country instead of the standard world’s practice of their choice based on professional
and personal skills, as well as on open competition, led to considerable decrease in
effective management of higher educational institutions. The analysis of the practice of
appointments of rectors of domestic higher educational institutions shows, that the
rector is in a position on average from 2 to 4 years (i.e. even less, than the period of
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